In 1917, when Lenin made the Russian Revolution possible, at that time the Indian Revolutionaries were also fighting the struggle for Indian Independence. Many among those were inspired by the Russian Revolution.
Bhagat Singh was getting trained in Marxism during his time at the National College Lahore and Dwarkadas Library.
Bhagat Singh with his comrades sent a telegram to the Soviet Union on November 7, 1930, greeting the Great Russian Revolution.
Bhagat Singh with his comrades sent a telegram to the Soviet Union on November 7, 1930, greeting the Great Russian Revolution.
On January 21, 1930, the accused in the Lahore Conspiracy Case appeared in the court wearing red scarves. As soon as the magistrate took his chair Bhagat Singh, with his comrades raised slogans "Long Live Socialist Revolution", "Long Live Communist International", "Long Live People" "Lenin's Name Will Never Die", and "Down with Imperialism". Bhagat Singh then read the text of this telegram in the court and asked the magistrate to send it to the Third International.
Bhagat Singh was one of the first independent Marxist thinkers who appropriated Lenin in a most creative manner. He could have been saved from the gallows but British Colonialists knew that this ' Potential Lenin' of India will bring the Socialist Revolution in India, that will not only throw them away but also the feudal and Capitalist elements. So they physically finished the potentially "Lenin of India" but the man still lives in his writings, in youth and he is ever a guide for the revolutionaries all over the world.
"They may kill me, but they cannot kill my ideas. They can crush my body, but they will not be able to crush my spirit".
-Bhagat Singh.
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