Despite the death of Leon Trotsky and his theories, a very small group lingers throughout the far-left community. These people are known as the "Trotskyists," who have existed since the start of the Russian Revolution.
These Trotskyists are the loyal followers under the misinterpretation of Marxism. They attempt to discredit Marxist-Leninism with their flawed view on revolution. Even Anti-Communists are spreading the idea that "If Trotsky took power, maybe the Soviet Union would have survived." Which, is completely false narrative.
So let's discuss why is this theory known as "Permanent Revolution" so flawed? And what does this theory say about Marxism?
Permanent Revolution cannot be swiftly explained in a few sentences, it is a complex theory that when poorly explained, can misguide people's views on what Trotsky was truly advocating.
Permanent Revolution cannot be swiftly explained in a few sentences, it is a complex theory that when poorly explained, can misguide people's views on what Trotsky was truly advocating.
The first part of the Permanent Revolution is the its idea and rejection of "Two-Stage Theory", better known as stagism. Simply, stagism says that after Feudalism, there would be a long period of Capitalist Development carried out by a liberal bourgeois revolution (historically known as the February Revolution,) which would then allow for a proletariat revolution.
Trotsky believed that this was unnecessary in the outcome of revolution and that the Bourgeoisis was in no position to carry out a democratic revolution to pave the way forward towards a Socialist Revolution. Lenin rejected this belief.
The Russian Empire was considered a third-world nation due to the low development of the Russian Empire. The Proletariat was less common compared to their colleagues, the Peasants, due to Russia being an agricultural state. This would lead to the birth of the idea of "Narodnism," a group of populists who believed that the Peasant class could skip over the stage of capitalism, to pave the way for a Proletariat revolution.
Opposing this theory, a man by the name of Georgi Plekhanov, a Russian philosopher and founder of the Social Democrats. He believed that the peasants were a "Reactionary class" which are inferior to the industrial revolutionaries. He also believed that skipping over the capitalist stage would be undialectical and unhistorical.
Lenin opposed this theory and believed that there should be a Workers/Peasants alliance (hence the symbolism of the hammer and sickle.)
He also believed that the Peasants were revolutionary in the sense of the bourgeois-democrats. Now where Trotsky comes into play in this issue, is the fact that he does not solely agree with the Bolsheviks or the Mensheviks. Trotsky mainly disagreed with Lenin on the issue of the peasants because Trotsky saw the peasants still as reactionary and conservative. This was the main reason Trotsky first sided with the Mensheviks.
But, Trotsky didn't want a full Social Democratic approach with a Bourgeoisie-Proletariat alliance. He offered the idea that eventually, a European socialist revolution will arise and help the Proletariat take over during the Russian Revolution.
He believed that if the proletariat caused a revolution in Europe or Russia, there would be hostile tension between the Peasants and the Proletariats. Since Russia had a majority Peasant population, the European Proletariat would have to overrun the Russian Peasants, allowing for a Proletariat international alliance (The 4th International.) But historically, it has been shown, that the Peasant class is not Reactionary, and is capable of supporting socialist movements. But Lenin and Trotsky did both agree on one major issue.
That waiting for a "bourgeoisie revolution" was unreasonable, and revolution must NOT be interrupted. While it seems like Lenin is rejecting stagism, this is not the case.
Lenin in his book "The Development of Capitalism in Russia." argued that Russia has already gone through a stage of Capitalism and the Peasants were being "depeasantized."
Lenin, V.I. "The Fifth Congress of the RSDLP"…
Lenin: Speech on the Attitude Towards Bourgeois Parties.
May 12 (25)…
@Taimur_Laal's lecture "Why I Am Not a Trotskyist"
Lenin, V.I. "The Fifth Congress of the RSDLP"…
Lenin: Speech on the Attitude Towards Bourgeois Parties.
May 12 (25)…
@Taimur_Laal's lecture "Why I Am Not a Trotskyist"
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