Ev en after Leon Trotsky and his theories passed away, a tiny minority still exists within the far-left society. These folks have been around since the beginning of the Russian Revolution and are referred to as "Trotskyists." Leon Trotsky at his desk, 1919 These Trotskyists are the misinterpretations of Marxism's devoted supporters. They make an effort to undermine Marxist-Leninism by presenting a defective theory of revolution. Even anti-Communists are spreading the notion that "The Soviet Union Would Have Survived If Trotsky Took Power." That is a wholly bogus narrative. So let's talk about why the "Permanent Revolution" thesis is so incorrect. And what is said about Marxism by this theory? TWO-STAGE THEORY OF REVOLUTION A complex theory that cannot be succinctly articulated in a few phrases, Permanent Revolution can mislead people's perceptions of what Trotsky was actually supporting. The theory behind "Two-Stage Theory," or sta...
The point, however, is to change it.